What is MarLitCy?
MarLitCy 'Marine Litter for Synergies, Capacity-building and Peacebuilding' is a 36 month long project, funded by European Union that aims to use the problem of marine litter as a tool for promoting dialogue and building closer relationships in Cyprus. It builds on the activities and knowledge gathered within a previously funded project, implemented by the same partnership and called, 'Marine litter: Together for Clean Coasts!'
Marine litter is an increasing cross-sectoral global challenge with no geographic or political boundaries. In the last few years, it has received major attention from the European Commission. It represents one of the 11 descriptors within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and several funding schemes have been made available to improve the understanding of associated processes and implications but also to promote and facilitate the coordination of efforts of its Member States towards solutions.
Being a multi-disciplinary and “novel” problem, marine litter forms the ideal tool for promoting cooperation and trust through joint actions between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot NGOs and communities, while emphasising the capacity building and promotion of European values and practices in both parts of Cyprus. Our sea is in danger! This resonates well in both communities. Common actions from the grassroots of society will form the back bone of closer relations and trust.
How will MarLitCy achieve its aims?
MarLitCy will enhance cooperation between key actors of both communities, specifically between local authorities, harbour authorities, industry, fishermen, divers, beach tourism enterprises, and children and youth, through the following interrelated activities:
1. Responsible Coastal Business Campaign, which will enhance an existing network of coastal businesses that pledge to minimise their environmental impact. MarLitCy will raise awareness and offer advice on how to minimise the use of single-use plastics within these businesses.
2. Fishing for Litter: this initiative will engage fishermen in the removal of marine litter caught in their fishing nets during their normal fishing operations. A knowledge-exchange workshop will be organised where fishermen from other countries, already implementing the Fishing for Litter practice, will share their experience with Cypriot fishermen across the island. Then, durable big bags will be distributed to fishermen interested in participating in the practice. Additionally, a specially designed bin will be placed at each participating fishing harbour so that fishermen can dispose of the collected litter free of charge.
3. Participatory policy making: a decision-making workshop will take place in the norther part of Cyprus. The workshop will bring together decision-makers, experts and civil society to agree, through participatory methods, concrete priorities and actions that will help harmonise the environmentally-related legal framework on the north of Cyprus to that of the European Union.
4. Capacity building and educational activities for children and youth: interactive presentations will take place at schools of all levels, and at universities around the island. The presentations will engage students in the discussion of what is marine litter, where does it come from, what are its impacts, and which are the solutions to the problem. The presentations will reach out to at least 5,500 students.
5. Island-wide awareness-raising campaign: civic engagement will be triggered through attractive activities, such as the organisation of open “meet the ... seabed” days, where the general public and especially children and youth will have the chance to meet with diving schools and become familiar with water sports and through these activities to become aware of marine littering and the need for the promotion of the “Good Environmental Status” of our marine environment. Also innovative beach and seabed clean-ups will be carried out with the implementation of international protocols. The data will be entered into the Cyprus Marine Litter Database. Awareness-raising will be a continuous activity, designed to have a high degree of social and civic engagement;
5. Joint competitions on marine litter: three competitions will be launched involving students and youngsters across Cyprus; (1) a creative writing competition, (2) an upcycled art competition, and (3) a photography competition. The best submitted entries will be showcased at a common exhibition to be held towards the end of the project.
1. Responsible Coastal Business Campaign, which will enhance an existing network of coastal businesses that pledge to minimise their environmental impact. MarLitCy will raise awareness and offer advice on how to minimise the use of single-use plastics within these businesses.
2. Fishing for Litter: this initiative will engage fishermen in the removal of marine litter caught in their fishing nets during their normal fishing operations. A knowledge-exchange workshop will be organised where fishermen from other countries, already implementing the Fishing for Litter practice, will share their experience with Cypriot fishermen across the island. Then, durable big bags will be distributed to fishermen interested in participating in the practice. Additionally, a specially designed bin will be placed at each participating fishing harbour so that fishermen can dispose of the collected litter free of charge.
3. Participatory policy making: a decision-making workshop will take place in the norther part of Cyprus. The workshop will bring together decision-makers, experts and civil society to agree, through participatory methods, concrete priorities and actions that will help harmonise the environmentally-related legal framework on the north of Cyprus to that of the European Union.
4. Capacity building and educational activities for children and youth: interactive presentations will take place at schools of all levels, and at universities around the island. The presentations will engage students in the discussion of what is marine litter, where does it come from, what are its impacts, and which are the solutions to the problem. The presentations will reach out to at least 5,500 students.
5. Island-wide awareness-raising campaign: civic engagement will be triggered through attractive activities, such as the organisation of open “meet the ... seabed” days, where the general public and especially children and youth will have the chance to meet with diving schools and become familiar with water sports and through these activities to become aware of marine littering and the need for the promotion of the “Good Environmental Status” of our marine environment. Also innovative beach and seabed clean-ups will be carried out with the implementation of international protocols. The data will be entered into the Cyprus Marine Litter Database. Awareness-raising will be a continuous activity, designed to have a high degree of social and civic engagement;
5. Joint competitions on marine litter: three competitions will be launched involving students and youngsters across Cyprus; (1) a creative writing competition, (2) an upcycled art competition, and (3) a photography competition. The best submitted entries will be showcased at a common exhibition to be held towards the end of the project.